24 hours of non-stop programming results in 2nd prize at Hackathon
Students of Fontys Hogechool ICT (Tim Vonsée, Joery Vreijsen, Michiel Ramaekers and Youp Souren) participated in a Hachaton organised by InnoValor. Here they worked out a concept for the government, which came with the following research question: How can the government optimally deploy its large quantities of data in order to improve its service to its citizens.
In 24 hours of non-stop programming, the students made a working search engine that only searches government websites. The search results can be personalised by logging in with your DigiD. At the end of the Hackaton they presented the product to a professional jury, which resulted in a 2nd prize (worth of 350 euro!).
Tim, Joery, Michiel and Youp: congratulations with this achievement!