Students of Fontys Hogeschool ICT develop a new app for informal carers
The students were given the assignment of looking for a social problem and to think of a solution to this. Informal carers became the eventual theme. In twenty weeks' time, the five students (Roy van den Eijnden, Ella van der Meeren, Sander van de Rijt, Jaleesa Nunes Da Silva and Ruben Sissing) developed the app.
Research: communication is mostly the problem
Of course the students also conducted research. "Through the Steunpunt Mantelzorg, we have interviewed 265 people. We found that communication was often the problem. Requests for help are often being missed by the careres, which in turn means that somebody else has to do all the work. From now on these tasks can be distributed over more people, effectively relieving that one carer who would otherwise do everything," says Ruben Sissing.
The app includes a to-do-list with chores that have to be done and that are being divided through the app. This enables carers to easily distribute the chores among each other.
First test results are positive
The testing results were promising. "Many people were happy we raised the matter. Our app was exactly what they needed," says Roy van den Eijnden. And now? The assignment is done, but that doesn't mean that the app is going to the dustbin now. Various businesses have already shown interest. "We would like to give the app to the people. For free, to solve the communication problem. But of course it would be great if a large organisation would take it up!"