Students and employees of FHICT contesters in the race for Denk Groter Prijs
The jury selects the 10 most promising students and employees. They will be informed about their nomination by email on Friday 24 June. For the nominees it is important to promote themselves as much as they can in order to collect digital votes. The votes can be cast from Monday 27 June 9:00 o'clock until Thursday 30 June 17:00 o'clock. Every student and employee can vote, once per pcn.
Candidates who may be nominated are:
Tristan Overhoorn (category students)
In my last year of high school (Gymnasium Bernrode), I took the course web programming at the part-time ICT programme during the evenings, despite my final exams. At the moment my average mark is an 8.3!
To what extent is this entry innovative and/or educationally transcendent?
Even though I'm in the busy final year, I'm also studying for the part-time ICT education programme, which I do in the evenings and the weekend. While other students are occupied with the final examinations and ''partying'', I am combining this with a part-time study!
Does this project have any social impact? And if so, what kind of impact?
At my school, Fontys is being regarded as an institution that offers a very broad range of possibilities. The fact that I can follow the part-time programme at Fontys in spite of the fact that I'm still in high school, indicates very clearly that Fontys is creating and facilitating opportunities.
Why does this entry deserve the Denk Groter Prijs?
The fact that I am committing to a part-time study while being in the final year of high school indicates that I'm fitting the "Think Bigger'' principle. I'm applying what I'm learning at Fontys, because shortly I will start my own company, which also fits the ''Think Bigger'' principle.
Siemie & Koko (category students)
Siemie & Koko prepare children between 4 and 8 years of age for a hospital admission using Augmented Reality. The child is being guided Step by step, without getting all information at once. Next to preparing for the hospital admission, the little patient can also play with the two figures. Siemie & Koko; the most fun friends that help you get better.
To what extent is this entry innovative and/or educationally transcendent?
It is innovative because it uses Augmented Reality in the healthcare sector, which is quite unique at the moment. Next to that, it is transcending this particular educational programme because the team is multidisciplinary (4 different study directions within the FHICT), and moreover there is even a cooperation with the Sint Anna hospital in Geldrop.
Does this project have any social impact? And if so, what kind of impact is this?
Yes, it helps kids prepare for hospital admission. By preparing a child for, for instance, narcosis in a playful manner, this child is already learning much more about his/her hospitalisation than through an information video alone.
Why does this entry deserve the Denk Groter Prijs?
The healthcare sector is a sector in which a lot of cuts take place, which means that the people working in it are often very busy. This is often at the expense of the guidance of children. The application therefore is not only useful as a preparation for a hospitalisation, but it also relieves the nursing staff by properly preparing a child. Maximum result with minimal effort.
Eric Slaats, Mark de Graaf, Gerard Schouten, Joris van den Driek and 80 FHICT students (together with employees and students of other institutions).
Each student should have a Personal Digital Study coach. The projects encompasses, among others, the building of prototypes, a graduation research into measurements of concentration. Click here to read more.
More information on the Denk Groter Prijs can be found here.