
Fontys Information and Communication Technology

P2-Pitch location Tilburg in Dragons' Den Style

The students of the February intake in Tilburg had the P2-pitch on 20 June 2016. A relatively small group, but no less exciting. Because the P2-Pitch took place completely in Dragons' Den style. The jury didn't go easy on the students. They were asked critical, hard to answer questions. But the students stood their ground and each group won over at least one jury member. The teachers present were also allowed to make an investment.

The award for best pitch, chosen by the jury, went to Life for Five: an app that helps you life healthier using the renewed food pyramid. Additionally a prize was awarded for the project with the largest sum invested in it by the jury and the teachers present. This prize went to PocketTour. PocketTour makes learning interactive and thus more fun as well as more efficient, by working with Virtual Reality.

Tags: Events