Generative AI Challenge

Fontys Information and Communication Technology

Generative AI Challenge Open Learning

Students Open Learning did a Generative AI Challenge: build something with Generative AI in 30 hours! Something that would have been impossible a year ago!  After a utopian introduction by Erdinc Sacan and a dystopian story by Rens van der Vorst, the 120 students got to work.

Students built, among other things:

  • A solution for people who wake up afraid of forgetting their dream. DreamCatcher reproduces your dream based on a few keywords;
  • A new book and promo campaign for Rens van der Vorst (Beyond the Screen);
  • Ultra-personalised ads, in which you also play a role in the ad. Not an actor sitting on the beach with a cocktail, but yourself in AdYOU!
  • A generative virus that adds tumours to CT scans including generated attack plan for hospitals (DiCOMDisrupt);
  • On Funda you sometimes have beautiful houses with outdated interiors, luckily there is now StylizeAI that allows you to automatically transform any photo into the version you like;
  • And much more, like a polarising newspaper, a fake news by country generator, a knowledge base for lecturers, an automatic 'roaster' and a BBC - broadcast with Erdinc Sacan.

All the products built really work.