WAVE, centre of expertise for neurodivergent talent

Fontys Information and Communication Technology
Many neurodivergent young people (12-24 years) find it challenging to find a suitable learning environment or workplace. WAVE, an initiative of Fontys Career Jumpstart and ASML, helps them by connecting education, employers and young people.

In WAVE, teachers, employers and neurodivergent young people work together on inclusive and effective learning environments. Innovative learning activities are developed in four development teams, which include neurodivergent talent of all ages and roles. Initial versions are shared and tested through network meetings and workshops, after which they are made available. The goal? To build a bridge between education and work and contribute to sustainable labour participation.

WAVE will officially launch on 12 March. If you have any questions, email us at wave@fontys.nl or drop by R10, room 4.45. Wednesday is wave day, when most team members will be present.