Festive signing of partnerships!

Fontys Information and Communication Technology

Last week, 34 organisations sealed their partnership with Fontys ICT. This is an important step for the technology sector in the Brainport region, where well-trained talent is indispensable. The cooperation between education and business ensures inspiring and innovative education.

Partners in Innovation and Partners in Education signed covenants and work together to strengthen ICT education and innovation. The companies contribute to practical projects, guest lectures and the Fontys ICT curriculum.

We are proud of our partners and their valuable contribution to our education. Read more
Partners in Innovation:
AIMaze, Cohesive, Equine, Flowlined, InnobeweegLab, Innovactions, Logicall, Lumens, Moonly Software B.V., MRR Drones, Sport & Technology and Vanderlande.

Partners in Education: 
ASML, Basic-Fit, Bodegro, Canon, CLB, DAF, Drieam, Duodeka, Enexis, EnoRm, Experis, EY, Indicia, Jugo, Livewall, Mediaan, Night of the Nerds, Partout, Peercode, Querics, SuitIT, Vecozo en WhiteHats.