Modern app about 'Stolpersteine'

Fontys Information and Communication Technology

Fontys ICT students create new, modern app about 'Stolpersteine'

The Foundation 18 September in Eindhoven has approached Fontys ICT to develop a new app about the so-called 'Stolpersteine'. This should meet all the requirements of the times and also be available in multiple languages. In Eindhoven there are 274 Stumbling Stones, which are tiles to commemorate the murdered Jewish inhabitants of Eindhoven. The trip-stones are located in front of the homes where the victims lived. The stones bear the name of the victim, the date of death and the name of the concentration camp.

According to Frank van Dijk, of the 18 September Foundation, there has been a database in the BeNeLux since 2016. ‘At that time, an app was also developed - the Struikelstenen Gids - but it has not been available for a while, as it was outdated. Moreover, it was completely Dutch-speaking.’

Partly for this reason, the foundation started changing the structure of the database from 2020. Van Dijk: ‘So multiple languages - Dutch, English and French - and a considerable expansion of the information, because since 2021 the Stolpersteine are also made in the Netherlands. All stones placed in the BeNeLux are now on our website.’


And so now also a new, modern app. The ICT students spent about six weeks setting up and designing it. The actual construction will start from 21 February. This will be done by fourth-year ICT students. ‘By the end of the school year, the app should be ready,’ says Van Dijk.

The stones in Eindhoven are part of a project by German artist Gunter Demnig, who has placed more than 100,000 trip-stones in more than 1,600 municipalities in Europe since 1993.
