project Self-Directed Learning: It doesn't arise from SELF....

Fontys Information and Communication Technology

Plans for the latest NPO project Self-Directed Learning came to fruition at the end of February. And here you are: We are off!

Last 21 March, the kick-off of the Self-Regulated Learning project took place. As a starting point, we addressed the definition around self-regulated learning, because what do we mean by this within Fontys ICT? You can find plenty about it in our educational vision, but in concrete terms, selfregulated learning is about:
'an active, constructive and cyclical process, in which the student himself gives purposeful and context-oriented direction to his own cognition (thoughts and feelings), behaviour and motivation' (Pintrich, 2000).

And now? I'm sure it leads to a lot of recognition, but self-regulated learning, unfortunately, does not arise naturally. So what are we doing (well) to promote self-regulated learning in students? How does this manifest itself in our programme implementation? And what do lecturers need to support this? These are precisely the questions we are going to answer within the Self-regulated Learning project.

Curious? Would you like to know more? Do you already have questions? Feel free to talk to us! 
The project team, Daan Jansen, Sebastian Lefèvre, Nathalie Maas-Boeijen, Noëlle van de Moosdijk, Marc Muthumarciar, Eveline Roijmans, Roy Houtkamp, Ingrid Hurkmans, Margot Smits, Carl Wolff and Louis van Zijst 

Tags: Education