Thursday 21 November saw the second day of the renowned Start Event, where our first-year students demonstrated their skills and knowledge by tackling an SDG problem in a team. This event not only provided a platform for assessment by our teachers, but also attracted the attention of teachers from three different regional training centres: Summa College, Koning Willem I College and Sint Lucas.
The ROC teachers present were impressed by the innovative solutions presented by our students and showed great interest in the assessment methods used by our first-year teachers. They gladly took the opportunity to talk to former students and exchange experiences.
For the twelve Sint Lucas students who were present despite their exams, this event offered valuable insight into the opportunities that higher professional education can offer them after completing their secondary vocational education. The enthusiasm was so great that some even asked for the assessment form with the intention of applying it to their own projects.
The Start Event has once again proven to be an inspiring moment, this year not only inspiring our students but also the MBO teachers and showing what we can do for each other.